Eseza House,Lugogo UMA Grounds, Kampala +256-393-264-910    
ISO Certified Company: ISO 9001:2015

Angelo Lugaaju Ssekwe

Team Leader

He is in charge of Software and Hardware Technical support. With experience of over 20 years, and is also a certified IBM Professional for Power 7and Storage systems. He has implemented many systems in the country especially in installing, configuring and maintenance of systems in most banks in Uganda. He has a desire to work in a modern, professional environment and continue to have a hands-on role and to gain additional skills. In addition, he is professionally certified in the following areas He has implemented many systems in the country especially in installing, configuring and maintenance of systems in most banks in Uganda. He has a desire to work in a modern, professional environment and continue to have a hands-on role and to gain additional skills. In addition, he is professionally certified in the following areas:

IBM eServer Certified Specialist – p7Series Technical Sales Support SR2124406

IBM eServer Certified Specialist – p7Series Administration and Support for AIX 5L V5.2SR2124406

Linux on Intel.

Windows 2008 Server and Professional certification.

Unix Solaris Customer Support,

IBM System p7 AIX Customer Support,

PC Support Training

Network Administration

Applied Systems Analysis

Design (The Top Down Approach)

Structured Systems Analysis

Cobol Programming

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Lugogo UMA Showground, Eseza House, Kampala
Uganda, E.Africa


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