SBS is committed to providing best of breed total solutions to all its clients whether small organisations or multi location enterprises.
We focus on your business technological support & growth.
We have have delivered technical excelency attested over the years.
We have a team of pasionate, competent and professional staff.
Trust our teams to offer exceptional and unrivalled technical support
Let managing the computer needs for your home or office is our business.
We offer tunrkey solutions to your workplace Technology needs.
Our dedicated teams are focussed at ensuring the best customer experience.
We are the link that binds your tasks through technology through components replenshiment.
Lets be part of your entire process from infrastructure Planning to management .
Over the years we have built dependable skillset & experience around power systems.
We pride ourselves in ensuring that all our projects are finished a timely fashion.
Take advantage of our various range of sales, presales and post-sales support plans.
Let us know how best we can reach out your IT needs, we are always listening.
Lets engage further, we craft solutions that are taylored to your needs, we want to hear from you. Our dedicated teams of dedicated account Managers, Technical Support specialists will be very excited to have a meaningfull conversation with you.
System Downtimes means the thin line between service delivery or getting out of business.
The cloud Migration is on - We propell you into a secure journey into the future of computing
Your Network is the heart of your business, lets effectively & efficiently manage it .
Lugogo UMA Showground, Eseza House, Kampala Uganda, E.Africa
+256-393-264-910 +256-393-264-911
© 2025 SBS Systems (U) Limited . All Rights Reserved. Designed by Secure Africa Solutions